How to keep your home clean.
The daily chores can be really tiresome, does not matter if you are living in a big or small home. Some home-makers hire a maid for these tasks. But that does not make their job any easy. They will have so many other things to take care, in order to keep their homes completely functional.
Ladies like me, who cannot tolerate the tantrums of the maid, choose to do all the tasks on their own. Getting a perfect maid in India is a myth. Some times, hiring a maid is so exhausting in terms of finance and also monitoring their work. So, as i just mentioned, ladies like me are more than happy to sacrifice the services of maids who are nothing but headache to us finally.
So, when you know that you need to run this one lady(man) show, you must have a concrete planning about how you handle and manage the tasks efficiently. You must also make sure that you do not tax your health in the process.
I highly recommend in investing on some efficient appliances when it comes to cleaning of the home all on your own. Trust me, these are all absolutely one time investment and you will be completely taken by utter surprise how easy your life becomes if you plan to make this investment. Instead of spending a lot on maid's service every month and remain unsatisfied with what they do, I feel it is better if we are smart in investing on these appliances.
Let me share what things i have invested in, which has made my life so much easy and "maid free".
- A Cordless Vacuum Cleaner
- A Dry Spin Mop
- A Washing Machine (i know that is common)
I cannot recommend a Dish Washer because i have not ventured to use one as yet. And installing it in the kitchen needs prior planning. But it would be a good option of course. My solution to washing dishes is simple. I do not allow the vessels to get accumulated in the kitchen sink. I keep cleaning, as and when they are used. Tried and tested solution by me. Works great for me by not making the process cumbersome.
Always make sure you start cleaning the kitchen first. Because cleaning of the kitchen requires a lot of energy and it is rightly called the heart of the house. So be sure you always maintain it tidy all the times.
I highly recommend, you allot a certain amount of time to finish the daily chores. Deep cleaning obviously takes too much time. But the daily chores can be done by allotting maybe one hour daily.
Also, make sure that before you go to bed, the kitchen is left clean and fresh because who wants to wake up to a messy smelling kitchen in the morning to make that cup of tea or coffee?
So these were the few things i discussed in this blog. If you want to actually see how i manage everything on a typical day to finish my daily chores, then click the link below. I have a lot more tips that i discuss in this video. I hope you get motivated to do something nice for your home after watching my video.
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